
The word “occupy” means to reside, live, or dwell in a space.  It derives from the Latin word occupare, meaning to seize; to take ownership of.  Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary 1934 says “to take possession of a place by settling or conquering it; to be in possession by tenure.”  Occupy also refers to what you devote your time and interest to, your work (occupation).  So “occupy” is where you live physically, mentally and spiritually…where you spend your attention and efforts.

The Bible refers to occupy in 88 verses.  In Luke 19:3, the Lord tells His disciples to “occupy until I come”.  He was speaking of going about business, work, occupation, and everyday living until He [Jesus] returned.  He was telling them to remain relevant and impactful until he returned.  In other words, do not be idle.

In military terms, occupy means to control an area by force of military strength.  An occupation force controls and enforces governmental law in enemy territory…in rebel territory.  An occupation force is well known by who they are, what they do, and what they are trying to impose on the area and peoples.  It was a Roman occupation force over Jerusalem in the Lord’s day.  The Roman Empire crucified Jesus.  They were enforcing the rule of Rome over Israel.

When we are mandated to occupy until the Lord comes back, we are being instructed to stay in faith.  We are to stand our posts as soldiers in God’s army against forces of evil, the opposition.  We are to be relevant.  The world should know who we are and what we represent.  We are told to “hold our ground” to “guard the territory for the sake of righteousness to remain steadfast in faith.”

To occupy is a proactive stance, not reactionary in fear–not to run and hide, or duck and cover.  Stand firm.  Trust God, our shield, to protect us from harm.

Many Christians are frantically questioning “Are these the Last Days?  The End Times?  Where do we go?  What do we do now?”  We occupy!  We continue to go about our days standing firm in faith.  If these are the End Times and they appear to be, then shouldn’t we be lacing up our combat boots?  Shouldn’t we be in fervent prayer knowing the “weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.”  2 Corinthians 10:4   Occupy until the Lord returns!  As His army, we can hold back the powers of darkness.  We should be declaring our promised protection as we occupy.  RE:  the 91st Psalm.  We should have our lamps trimmed with oil.  Do not become spokesmen of the devil declaring doom.  2 Thessalonians 3:3 asks when He [Jesus] returns, will He find faith on the earth?

We, the people of God should be Battle Armored and Bride Ready.  Amen!