
Conjure is a word we hear often or something being conspired or contrived.  However, it has a far more sinister meaning, perhaps misused or wrongfully used.  According to Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary 1934, to conjure is to summon a devil or spirit by an invocation and incantation; to practice magic; to call on evil solemnly.  … Read more


The word “occupy” means to reside, live, or dwell in a space.  It derives from the Latin word occupare, meaning to seize; to take ownership of.  Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary 1934 says “to take possession of a place by settling or conquering it; to be in possession by tenure.”  Occupy also refers to what you … Read more


The word “panic” was derived from the Greek Mythology god named Pan which was taken from a story where Pan known as the god of the people helps a friend.  In mythology, Pan had the upper body of a man, sometimes with goat horns…and the lower body of a goat.  Thus, he was able to … Read more

As Much As Humanly Possible

Humanly – Webster’s International Dictionary In a human manner; after the manner of men; according to the knowledge and wisdom of men. Humanly comes from the root word human, belonging or relating to the character of man, being a man, and having human form or attributes.   How many times have you heard or said, … Read more